- Program Orientation Candidates will gather to explore the upcoming semester and year.LINKS to ACCESS to the virtual meeting:
- Tuesday, 6/8/21 at 10:00: SED Orientation, DAY 1: ZOOM LINK
- Thursday, 6/10/21 at 11:00: SED Orientation, Day 2: ZOOM LINK
- Background Check’s -Due Now: A condition of admittance is that each candidate must have a background check completed. Directions are sent upon program acceptance
- Course Registration– register for 12 credits by June 9, 2021
- Classes Start– June 14: EPS 300 and CI 675 begin courses at 1:00 this week. Watch for an email from the instructor for readings.
- Fieldwork Starts– June 14 or 21: Watch for an email from your supervisor for details.
COHORT 22 – Current Secondary Education Students
Activities on the Horizon:
- Part-time student Teaching & ESL Practicum Throughout Nov and December, candidates increase their field responsibilities and assume a primary teaching role in one to two courses.
- Course shift -As of Nov 8 candidates shift two courses. 507 (Inclusive Ed) and 621 (Ed Psy) come to a close and 673 (2nd Lang/Lit) and 729 (Classroom Management) start.
- Elementary Experience– the week of Jan 3 candidates will partner with an elementary school and work through a 2-week practicum
- PREP CONFERENCE – Jan 12-21: School of Education’s Career Center is hosting a series of workshops to support candidates in their preparation for their upcoming job search.
- Mid-Winter Summit– January 14: Cohort members and staff will gather for a mid-point review and restart. Lunch served at Memorial Union Great Hall.
- Spring Semester Courses Starts– Spring courses get started: ESL Methods = Jan 11, Adv Content Methods = Jan 14
- Full-time Student Teaching– Jan-June: starting with each district’s third quarter, candidates will be working all day, every day with students, school-based educators and colleagues.
- Program work days and Seminars– Feb 11, Mar 11, April 8, May 13. Each morning offers an option to engage in on-campus professional development experiences, and full group seminars will be held from 1 to 4:00.
- UNI Job Network- Register before March 1. Virtual Platform to connect candidates, hiring agencies and international schools as they recruit for overseas positions. More details
- WERF Career FAIR – March tbd: Wisconsin school districts gather to talk with potential applicants for the 21-22 school year
- Summer 2 Orientation, Friday, June 4th
COHORT 21 – Current Secondary Education Students
Activities on the Horizon:
- Summer Courses – June 21-Aug 5: Capstone, School Law & Professional Workshops are classes offered throughout the summer.
- Licensing– Upon the conclusion of the student teaching semester and with all other items address, candidates may apply for their teaching license through DPI.
- Finals Conference, Aug 3: Students will present a summary of their Master’s project to the public.
- Graduation, Aug 5th: We will gather for a virtual Graduation Ceremony to celebrate the achievements of the Class of 2021. Informal, in-person reception to follow.
LIVE Q&A Sessions- for incoming students
Secondary Education staff and other representatives from UW services hosted a series of session to address topics and questions about the program, process, documents and resources available. Each session was arranged around a theme and offered comments from relevant UW staff members. There was then time for discussion and questions from candidates.
- January 21: Financial Picture
- Slides from the Webinar–> Google Slides View
- Q&A Page from the Webinar–> Google Doc View
- Link to the Secondary Education Scholarship Application – Due March 1
- Financial Aid Office’s FAFSA Frenzy workshops–> https://financialaid.wisc.edu/frenzy/
- Teacher Pledge Follow up questions: https://tec.education.wisc.edu/teacher-pledge/
February 18: Meet the Advisors
- Introduction to each SED Advisor/Coordinator–> Google Doc
- Direct Emails
- ENGLISH: Dawn Lemirand-Poepping <lemirandpoep@wisc.edu>
- SOCIAL STUDIES: Tom Owenby <owenby@wisc.edu>
- SCIENCE: Mark Olson <mark.olson@wisc.edu>
- MATHEMATICS Jen Murphy <kuehl1@wisc.edu>
- ESL: Kaycee Rogers <krogers23@wisc.edu>
- March 18: Schedule and Expectations
- Information shared at the Session can be reviewed via Slide Deck in Google Slides
- General calendar and daily schedule of 2021-2022–>Slides 3-7
- Preparation Steps of note per month for on-boarding –> Slide 8
- Review of Teacher Pledge –> Slide 12 & 13
- Additional Questions posed and responses may be found on the “Parking Lot” document
- Information shared at the Session can be reviewed via Slide Deck in Google Slides
April 15: Exploring Campus Resources
- Within the School of Education, there is a great support network within the Teacher Ed Center-https://tec.education.wisc.edu/ and the Career Center: https://careercenter.education.wisc.edu/
- Across campus: Page with various useful links to UW-Madison’s vast resources
- Questions posed and responses may be found on the Q & A Page
May 20: Connecting with our Community, 4:30 via this ZOOM LINK
- Slides from the group session. Includes an overview of the agenda, updates, and key community-based elements of the program.–> Google Slides
- Questions posed and responses may be found on the Q&A Page.
A gallery of project summaries is available at: C20 Finals Conference. From 2:00 to 4:00 (CST) we will host a live event via a virtual format. Please join us!
The virtual event will include two rounds of candidate presentations. Guests will be able to choose which small group they wish to hear.
If you have additional questions, you may contact the capstone instructor:
- English Candidates: Greg Bartley (gbartley@wisc.edu)
- Math Candidates: Maxine McKinney de Royston (mckinneydero@wisc.edu)
- Science Candidates: Sam Evans (sevans1@wisc.edu)
- Social Studies Candidates: Tom Owenby (owenby@wisc.edu)
or Joey Lubasi – Program Coordinator (lubasi@wisc.edu)
or Bill Weber- Technical Support Coordinator (bill.weber@wisc.edu)
- Graduates and Guests, please join us for a virtual celebration of this milestone.
- Graduates have a link to share with guests to access the Event. Password is 2020
- 4:15 Session Opens
- 4:30 Welcome Address and Keynote speech: Dean Diana Hess
- 4:45 Conferral of Degrees
- 5:10 Cohort Awards
- 5:15 Cohort Photo Opp
- 5:20 “Walk of Graduates” Photo show of graduates
- 5:30 close
- Look back:
COHORT 20! A summary of the MS projects from the 2020 Secondary Ed Graduates may be found through this link.
COHORT 19! A summary of the MS projects from the 2019 Secondary Ed Graduates may be found through this link.